
The State of the World’s Midwifery 2021
The State of the World’s Midwifery (SoWMy) 2021 presents findings on the Sexual, Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Adolescent Health (SRMNAH) workforce from 194 countries. The report, produced by UNFPA, the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM), the World Health Organization (WHO) and Novametrics, shows the progress and trends since the inaugural 2011 edition and identifies the barriers and challenges to future advancement. The report establishes a global shortage of 1.1 million SRMNAH workers, the largest shortage (900,000) being midwives.

Investment is urgently needed in education and training; management, regulation and work environment; leadership and governance, and service delivery. Analysis indicates that fully educated, licensed and integrated midwives supported by interdisciplinary teams can deliver about 90 per cent of the essential SRMNAH interventions across the life course, yet they account for less than 10 per cent of the global SRMNAH workforce. For midwives to achieve their full potential, bold investments by governments, policymakers, regulatory authorities, educational institutions, professional associations, international organisations, global partnerships, donor agencies, civil society organisations and researchers are needed at country, regional and global levels.

《 2021年世界助产士状况》(SoWMy)介绍了来自194个国家的性,生殖,孕产妇,新生儿和青少年健康(SRMNAH)劳动力的调查结果。人口基金,国际助产士联合会(ICM),世界卫生组织(WHO)和Novametrics编制的报告显示了2011年第一版以来的进展和趋势,并指出了未来发展的障碍和挑战。该报告确定了全球110万SRMNAH工人的短缺,其中最大的短缺(900,000)是助产士。


预计包括高收入国家在内的许多国家将缺少足够的SRMNAH工人来满足2030年的需求。Covid-19减少了卫生人力的供应,尽管发生了大流行,仍需要优先考虑在安全的环境中使用SRMNAH服务。 “落后”群体需要特别注意,以确保他们从合格的从业者那里获得护理。



