
<h3> 作者:华盛顿中文电视台•新闻部《时要新闻》/ 艺百网总编室发布时间:2020-03-17 13:50:50 </h3>


3 月16 日周一,六个海湾地区县宣布对所有居民实行“就地庇护”命令,这是美国大陆迄今为止最严格的措施,该命令指示每个人在接下来的三周内都应留在家中,并尽可能远离他人 为了遏制冠状病毒在该地区的迅速蔓延,采取了紧急措施。

该指令定于周二上午12:01开始,涉及旧金山,圣塔克拉拉,圣马特奥,马林,孔特拉科斯塔和阿拉米达各县-总人口超过670万。 它将保留到至少4月7日。

California, city of San Francisco, Six Bay Area counties announced “shelter in place” orders for all residents on Monday — the strictest measure of its kind yet in the continental United States — directing everyone to stay inside their homes and away from others as much as possible for the next three weeks in a desperate move to curb the rapid spread of coronavirus across the region.

The directive was set to begin at 12:01 a.m. Tuesday and involves San Francisco, Santa Clara, San Mateo, Marin, Contra Costa and Alameda counties — a combined population of more than 6.7 million. It is to stay in place until at least April 7.