川普- 拜登总统竟选最后一个关键的投票日

2020 美国的一场总统大选,牵动了全球人的关注。美国共和党候选人川普和民主党候选人拜登的支持者拼得不可开交。所有的选民的选择似乎都被绑上了左右、黑白、政党、意识形态的战车!您是英明的,您可以放弃一切外界干扰,放弃对左右和政党的幻想,用选票来清楚地表达自己的立场!


以下的网站可以找到您所在的投票站 :Iwillvote.com

Trump-President Biden was elected on the last critical polling day
A presidential election in the United States in 2020 has attracted the attention of people all over the world. Supporters of US Republican candidate Trump and Democratic candidate Biden fought hard. All voters' choices seem to be tied to the chariot of left and right, black and white, political parties, and ideology! You are wise, you can give up all outside interference, give up illusions about the left and right and political parties, and use votes to clearly express your position!

Today is the last day of voting, and the results of the US election are about to be announced. It doesn’t really matter who wins, what matters is that you made your choice...

Today, the last important polling day of 2020, please do not miss this election, make full use of your voice, and more importantly, use your right to choose and vote to determine your future! Go to the polling station today!
The following websites can find your polling station: Iwillvote.com

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