亚裔人不再沉默|华盛顿州Ren City Hall 几千人冒大雨 抗议种族岐视

编辑:Xiaohong Chen /  釆访记者: Nella Kwan  / 摄影记者:Guan Lisha /

3 月20 日 的傍晚,华盛顿州的  Bellevue Downtown Parrk ,乌云密布,狂风暴雨,怒吼的人们再也无法忍受岐视凌辱!他们带着满腔怒火攻心的感觉,却以非常理性和平的诉求方式,从四面八方聚集到这里,强烈呼吁停止仇恨!“停止仇恨亚裔!” !

On the evening of March 20th, Bellvue  Downtown Parrk in Washington State was covered with clouds, violent storms, and the roaring people could no longer bear the discrimination and abuse! With a feeling of anger and attack, they gathered here from all directions in a very rational and peaceful way, and strongly appealed to stop the hatred! "Stop hating Asians!"!

前美国驻华大使、美国前商务部长、前华盛顿州长骆家辉与三千多名抗议者冒大雨出席3/20 西雅图地区Bellevue Rally的集会。骆家辉先生的演讲非常有振撼力,他说:无论是针对非裔的仇恨,西裔的仇恨,还是亚裔的仇恨,无论是针对那个族裔,这种仇恨都是我们的敌人。亚裔不是病毒,针对亚裔的种族仇恨是我们这个社会真正的病毒;这些病毒从无形到有形,从对我们的亚裔企业开始,然后对我们亚裔的老人和妇女下手,直到现在的谋杀。面对这样的仇恨犯罪,我们一定要坚定我们的立场,让所有的种族仇恨毫无容身之地!当有人对我们说,滚回到你来的地方去,我会大声地回应他,除了印地安人之外,我们都是移民,无论你是坐五月花号从欧洲来,奴隶船从非洲来,还是修铁路从亚洲来,这脚下的地方,就是我的家乡,America。”

The former US ambassador to China, former US Secretary of Commerce, and former Washington Governor Gary Locke and more than 3,000 protesters attended the 3/20 Bellevue Rally rally in Seattle area under heavy rain. Mr. Locke’s speech was very powerful. He said: Whether it is hatred against African Americans, hatred against Hispanics, or hatred against Asians, whether it is against that ethnic group, this kind of hatred is our enemy. Asians are not a virus. Racial hatred against Asians is the real virus of our society; these viruses have gone from invisible to tangible, starting with our Asian companies, and then targeting our Asian elderly and women, until the present murder . In the face of such hate crimes, we must strengthen our position and let all racial hatred have no place for them! When someone says to us, go back to where you came from, I will respond loudly. Except for the Indians, we are all immigrants. Whether you come from Europe on the Mayflower or the slave ship from From Africa, or from Asia to build railways, this place is my hometown, America. "

华盛顿州前州长Gary Locke, 贝尔维尤市长LynneDan RobinsonWatson, 副市长Jared Nieuwenhuis, 城市经理Brad Miyaki, 市议会Conrad Lee, 市议会Janice Zahn, 警察局长Steve Mylett, 港口专员Sam H. 周Ch等到会场声援。

Former Washington State Governor Gary Locke, Bellevue Mayor Lynne Dan Robinson Watson, Deputy Mayor Jared Nieuwenhuis, City Manager Brad Miyaki, City Council Conrad Lee, City Council Janice Zahn, Police Chief Steve Mylett, Port Commissioner Sam H. Zhou Ch, etc. were waiting for the meeting. Solidarity.


The United States has caused such racial division, cruelty, and brutality. Who is the culprit? Who can repair this scarred wound?
According to a "Stop Asian Hatred" data from San Francisco State University: Since the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, there have been nearly 4,000 incidents of hatred, discrimination or attacks against Asians! In New York alone, cases involving Asian injuries have increased by 900%.


自去年疫情以来唐人街的模样全非 ,门窗被咂,污涂满墙,这很明显是针对亚裔社区的挑衅!可亚裔人没有反抗,这是一种包容和忍让!是为了维护大环境的社会治安,但现在的情况是针对亚裔种族岐视越演越烈,巳到了残害无辜生命的地步,这是人权的底线!


We used to be proud of living in Washington State. The safety of the communities in the Washington area is very good, and the Seattle area is a very famous tourist city.

Since the epidemic last year, Chinatown has looked completely different. The doors and windows were slapped and the walls were smeared. This is obviously a provocation against the Asian community! But Asians did not resist, this is a kind of tolerance and tolerance! It is to maintain the public order of the general environment, but the current situation is that the racial discrimination against Asians has become more and more intense, and it has reached the point of killing innocent lives. This is the bottom line of human rights!

不在沉默中爆发就在沉默中灭亡!  受岐视的亚裔人不再沉默|不同族裔的抗议者在美国各州强音发声!

华盛顿州: 西雅图、Bellvue、  Ren City Hall等多地区举行集会,从呼吁到抗击: 停止仇恨!还我尊严!








Recently, the Asians in Huazhou and the Asians in the whole country have ceased to be silent. They took to the street communities with a sad heart, and appealed to "stop the hatred" in a peaceful way! Protest this criminal act of discrimination!

Do not erupt in silence and perish in silence! Discriminated Asians are no longer silent | Protesters of different ethnicities speak loudly in every state in the United States!

Washington State: Rally held in Seattle, Bellvue, Ren City Hall, etc., from appeal to resistance: Stop the hatred! Return my dignity!

Streets of American capitals: waving banners and slogans, roaring on the streets of American capitals!

Washington, DC: The Chinese and Koreans in Chinatown in Washington, DC pulled out banners in different languages!

California streets: countless people took to the streets to protest spontaneously!

Streets of New York: Thousands of protesters flooded into New York’s Asian ghetto square!

Pennsylvania: From Philadelphia to Phoenix, angry people with tears in their eyes, holding slogans "Stop hating Asians!"

San Francisco: Hundreds of people gathered in Portsmouth Square (a park in the center of Chinatown) to mourn the victims and call for an end to racism and sexist violence against Asian Americans.

Southern California: The Korean communities in Orange County and Los Angeles have held rallies against hate crimes on Friday; there are also many events in Los Angeles on Saturday, including the Alhambra’s Almanso Park and the San Gabriel Theater Candlelight mourning and anti-hate crime activities. ...

纽约街头,一位70 多岁的老太太被突其于来的拳头打得鼻青脸肿;西雅图美丽的夜景被“仇恨污染”而失去光彩。人们不敢夜游风景优美的地方,白天出行也心怀不安,连上超市都心情忐忑,宜肯选择超市户外配送购物。

Robert Aaron Long, a 21-year-old white man, was charged with killing four people in two hot springs in Atlanta and another four in a massage parlor 30 miles from the outskirts of Cherokee County. Six of the eight people killed on Tuesday were Asian women; the other was also shot but survived.
On the streets of New York, an old lady in her 70s was bruised and swollen with a sudden fist; the beautiful night scene of Seattle was "tainted by hatred" and lost its luster. People don't dare to visit the beautiful places at night, and they feel uneasy when traveling during the day. Even when they go to the supermarket, they are in a state of anxiety. Yiken chooses supermarkets for outdoor delivery and shopping.
Since the outbreak of the epidemic in the United States last year, Asians took the lead in wearing masks and called for them, but this has also been hated by lawbreakers and often attacked by innocent people. This time is an attack on the Asian community, and has always been a frequent advocate for women and communities of color. The gunmen targeted companies run by Asian women. This is not only racial discrimination, but also discrimination against women. Discrimination against tax workers.


The United States is a country of immigrants. Wherever there are Chinese, there is tolerance, understanding, and vitality. The annual Chinese Festival-American Festival is full of joy. At the annual Ocean Festival in Washington State, Asians and community residents celebrated the festival with joy, and the long procession filled the streets one after another. The "pop-up" event in the New York Plaza integrates local cultural exchanges... Will these happy times come back?

让我们团结在一起,拒绝一切形式的歧视,选择希望,选择爱,选择尊重,不再沉默! 仇恨是一种病毒!见义勇为!杜绝仇恨!我们只有团结才能形成一股反霸和维护世界和平的力量!

Chinese compatriots across America! Asian and peace-loving friends from all ethnic groups in the United States! Let us join hands with our community of allies,
Reject racism! We are in the same world and in the same country, our destiny coexists, we have the obligation to maintain the stable development of society,
Let us unite together, reject all forms of discrimination, choose hope, choose love, choose respect, and no longer be silent! Hatred is a virus! Be brave for righteousness! Put an end to hatred! Only by unity can we form a force against hegemony and safeguard world peace!                                                责任编辑: Nina Chen