



















  1. 美国华人华侨联合总会
  2. 美国华裔民权联盟
  3. 美国华人全国委员会
  4. 宾州华人侨团联盟
  5. 全美浙江总商会
  6. 美国美亚工商联合会
  7. 美中餐饮业联合会
  8. 美国南加州华人社团联合会
  9. 美国南加州华人社团大联盟
  10. 美国亚裔社团联合总会
  11. 大芝加哥华人华侨联合会
  12. 明尼苏达州华人华侨社团联合会
  13. 美国南加州华人联合总会
  14. 美国福建同乡会
  15. 美国南加州华人华侨联合总会
  16. 美国福建华人联合会
  17. 佛罗里达华人华侨联合会
  18. 大纽约地区清华校友会
  19. 美国纽约华人侨团联合会
  20. 蒙大拿华人华侨联合会
  21. 美国福建同乡会
  22. 美国香港总商会
  23. 美东南福建同乡会
  24. 美国华人企业家联合会
  25. 美中酒店总商会全商联会
  26. 纽约缅甸华侨联谊会
  27. 达拉斯华人联盟
  28. 美国福建商业联合总会
  29. 全美亚裔民主党俱乐部
  30. 美国华人科学家专业人士协会
  31. 佛罗里达福建同乡会
  32. 美国湛江华侨联合总会
  33. 美国天津总商会
  34. 中国大西南旅美华人华侨协会
  35. 美国华人商会
  36. 美国广东联合总会
  37. 美南福建同乡会
  38. 美国闽商联合会
  39. 亚特兰大中国商会
  40. 犹他华人联合会
  41. 美国福建会馆
  42. 美国长乐公会
  43. 美国联合商会
  44. 美国全球创新联盟
  45. 美国黄鹤会
  46. 美华史记
  47. 亚裔民主党俱乐部维东分会
  48. 美国纽约温州同乡会
  49. 南卡哥伦比亚华人协会
  50. 美國酒店華商協會
  51. 亚历桑那中华商会
  52. 查尔斯顿华人同乡会
  53. 波士顿福建商会
  54. 费城明朗中国文化中心
  55. 休斯顿中国人活动中心
  56. 美国亚洲文化和教育协会
  57. 大洛杉矶华人华侨论坛
  58. 北美华人联盟
  59. 亨茨维尔华人协会
  60. 拉伯克华人联谊会
  61. 美国南加州江西同乡会
  62. 美国贵州同乡会
  63. 大纽约亚裔妇女健康协会
  64. 美国社区发展联合会
  65. 华盛顿州四川同乡总会
  66. 美西福建同乡会
  67. 全美江西同乡会
  68. 全美徽商联合会
  69. 美国华人发展互助会
  70. 美国佛州华商总会
  71. 亚特兰大浙江同乡会
  72. 亚特兰大美中下一代教育基金会
  73. 亚特兰大中山大学校友会
  74. 亚特兰大童心中文学校
  75. 观雨艺社
  76. 南北卡华人工商总会
  77. 南北卡华服中心
  78. 查尔斯顿华人同乡会
  79. 华州福建工商会
  80. 哥伦比亚华人协会
  81. 大迈阿密亚裔商务联盟
  82. 美国广西总商会
  83. 美国广西社团总会
  84. 美国广西同乡会
  85. 美国广西侨胞联合总会
  86. 纽约台山侨胞妇女联合总会
  87. 美国海南总商会
  88. 美东琼海商会
  89. 美国新泽西福建同乡会
  90. 旅美上海同乡会
  91. 美国广东侨胞联合总会
  92. 美洲中西艺术家协会
  93. 美东江门五邑青年联合会
  94. 美国纽约广府人联合总会
  95. 美国东北同乡会
  96. 纽约林西河堂
  97. 美国福清同乡会
  98. 大西雅图中华商会董事会
  99. 美国华侨联合总会
  100. 美国福建琅岐同乡会
  101. 纽约留学生服务中心
  102. 华州中美总商会
  103. 中国旅美经贸总商会
  104. 美国华裔选民协会。
  105. 大费城连江同乡会
  106. 美国中国学生中心
  107. 美东深圳总商会
  108. 费城协胜公会
  109. 费城华商会
  110. 美国台山总商会
  111. 美国纽约广府人总会
  112. 美国奉商总会
  113. 纽约台山联谊会
  114. 纽约制衣业总商会
  115. 洛杉矶中华总商会
  116. 洛杉矶青年联合会
  117. 大费城餐馆协会
  118. 美国北京联合总会
  119. 纽约川渝同乡联合会
  120. 美国江苏总商会
  121. 美国山东总会
  122. 全美四川同乡联合总会
  123. 国际海峡文化交流总会
  124. SAPA美中友好联盟
  125. 大纽约知青会
  126. 美国北加州北京同乡会
  127. 美国中华妇女联合会
  128. 众志成城抗疫反歧视同盟
  129. 美国华人专家会
  130. 美国中西部华商会
  131. 威州中华总商会
  132. 宾州广西同乡会
  133. 美国纽约中美商会
  134. 美国华商促进会
  135. 旅美湖南同乡会
  136. 美中友好联盟
  137. 美中企业家商会
  138. 世界和平联合会
  139. 内陆帝国精英互助协会
  140. 亚特兰大华人互助会
  141. 亚特兰大广东同乡会
  142. 亚特兰大现代中文学校
  143. 美国龙岩同乡会
  144. 北美华人联合总会
  145. 明州华人世界
  146. 夏威夷广府人联谊会
  147. 美国闽南同乡联合总会
  148. 北美华人华裔寻根协会
  149. 美菲佛教协会
  150. 美国中国企业家协会加利福尼亚州分会
  151. Fumi餐饮集团
  152. 内陆华美协会
  153. 美洲林则徐基金总会
  154. 美国纽约潮州同乡会
  155. 西雅图台山同乡会
  156. 休斯顿江西同乡会
  157. 美中新艺文化交流中心
  158. 美东河南同乡会
  159. 南加州广府人联谊会
  160. 芝加哥海晏公所
  161. 美国南加州华人总商会
  162. 美国公盟教育
  163. 北美杭州同乡会
  164. 北美南宁同乡总会
  165. 华州艺术家协会
  166. 中美加友好协会
  167. 亚特兰大华美老年协会
  168. 亚特兰大云南同乡会
  169. 乔治亚洲湖北同乡会
  170. 世界华人网友会
  171. 纽约城市公益联合会
  172. 美东山东同乡会
  173. 明州中美联谊会
  174. 美国滨州费城潮州会馆
  175. 华州华人联合会
  176. 美国夏威夷中国总商会
  177. 北美华人摄影协会
  178. 亚特兰大河南同乡会
  179. 助愈协会
  180. 全美福建工商总会(西雅图分会)
  181. 美中人民友好协会
  182. 弗吉尼亚半岛华人协会
  183. 纽英伦世界广东同乡会
  184. 纽英伦梁氏宗亲会
  185. 纽英伦华人商会
  186. BOBA 桥梁学院
  187. 美国广东侨社联合中心
  188. 美中经济文化交流协会
  189. 中美总商会
  190. 交通大学美洲校友会
  191. 华兴基金会
  192. 武汉大学大纽约地区校友会
  193. 圣约瑟大学中文协会
  194. 美国华人工商联合会
  195. 费城华商会
  196. 长岛新海德公园华人协会

American Chinese United Association

7345 Oxford Avenue

Philadelphia, PA 19111




President Joseph Biden

The White House

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, DC 20500

Dear Mr. President:

       In order to safeguard the more than five million Chinese Americans living in the United States of America, our safety, and our rights, leaders from the Chinese American community respectfully submit this petition to you. Thank you for your consideration of our concerns.

       On March 16th, 2021, a mass shooting took place in the Greater Atlanta area that took the lives of eight people, including six Asian women. Upon learning of this tragedy, the Chinese American community became shocked, saddened, and angered. Many of us now fear for the safety of ourselves and of our families. Since the start of Covid-19, hate crimes, insults, and violence directed toward Chinese Americans have become increasingly frequent. At this critical moment, we need your help.

       The “Atlanta Incident” is a hate crime directed towards Asian Americans, including Chinese Americans, that resulted in six women of Asian descent being brutally murdered. We hope that the Atlanta Police Department and the Government of Atlanta will conduct a thorough investigation that brings justice to the victims and their families and punishment to the gunman. We believe that immediate and decisive action is needed to prevent further incidents and tragedies from happening to Asian Americans.

      In your first presidential speech to the nation, you denounced hate crimes committed against Asian Americans, and we as Chinese Americans are truly grateful for these words of support. However, we need more than just recognition of a problem, as anti-Asian hate crimes and sentiment are widespread. We implore you to implement a strategy and work with other branches of the federal government to make a concerted effort to combat hate crimes in the United States. Chinese Americans deserve the same security and dignity other Americans enjoy.

       We hope that you will help work toward the following requests:

1.    We call on the federal government to acknowledge that racism is a real factor in the everyday life of Chinese Americans. We urge the White House to hold a press conference and condemn hate crimes directed towards Chinese Americans.

2.    We call on you to use your executive power to establish practical measures to protect Chinese Americans, their safety, and their rights.

3.    We call on you to use the name and prestige of the presidency to write to all U.S. states and territories, as well as the Democratic and Republican parties, to address past and present instances of Asian American hate crimes to ensure that they will not occur in the future. Action from law enforcement and legislators is needed to preclude future violence and tragedy.

4.  We call on you to enact an executive order that would create “the Asian American Victim Compensation Fund” to compensate the victims of Asian American hate crimes in a prompt and efficient manner.

5.    We call on you to work with other government agencies to provide additional funding to law enforcement agencies for cultural education, cultural training, diversity and inclusion training, and community outreach.

6.    We call on you to nominate more Asian Americans, including Chinese Americans, to high level government positions. This will provide Chinese Americans with the opportunity to make greater contributions to the United States.

7.    We call on the federal government to increase communication and interaction between various departments of the federal government and the Chinese American community. Strengthened communication will promote appreciation and trust, empower collaboration and participation, and afford the Chinese American community the opportunity to participate in American society in a more meaningful way.

       In conclusion, we hope that you will act upon the above petition and understand our deeply felt fear and uncertainty. We express our sincere thanks to you on behalf of the Chinese American community for the work you have done and will continue to do.

Most respectfully,

  1. American Chinese United Association
  2. Chinese Americans Civil Rights Coalition
  3. National Council of Chinese Americans
  4. Pennsylvania Chinese United Coalition
  5. US Zhejiang General Chamber of Commerce
  6. American & Asian United Association
  7. Us-China Restaurant Alliance
  8. Roundtable of Southern California Chinese-American Organizations
  9. American Chinese Organizations Federation
  10. Asian American Community Empowerment
  11. Chinese American Association of Greater Chicago
  12. Alliance of Minnesota Chinese Organizations
  13. Chinese American Federation
  14. The Fukien Benevolent Association
  17. The Chinese Association of Science, Education & Culture of South Florida
  18. Tsinghua Alumni Association of Greater New York
  19. Federation of Chinese American Association
  20. Montana Chinese Association
  21. Fujian American Association
  22. National U.S. Hong Kong Business Association
  23. Fujian Association of Southeast USA
  24. The U.S. Federation of Chinese-American Entrepreneurs
  25. America China Hotel Association Corp
  26. Myanmar Chinese Association of New York
  27. Dallas FT Worth Chinese Alliance
  28. American Fu Jian Business Association
  29. Asian American Democratic Club
  30. Association of Chinese-American Scientists and Engineers
  31. Florida Fujianese Association
  32. Zhanjiang Association of America
  33. Tianjin Commerce Associates USA
  34. Southwest Chinese American Association
  35. US Chinese General Chamber of Commerce
  36. Guangdongese Association of America
  37. Fujian Association of South U.S.A
  38. U.S. Min Shang Association
  39. Chinese Business Association of Atlanta
  40. Utah Chinese Federation Association
  41. Fujian Association in usainc
  42. America Changle Association
  43. American United Chamber of Commerce
  44. AGIA
  45. Yellow Crane Club
  46. Chinese American Civic Association
  47. WEI DONG Asian-American Democratic Club
  48. Chinese Wen Chow Association
  49. SC Chinese Association of Columbia
  50. Hotel Chinese Association
  51. Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Arizona
  52. Chinese Association inGreater Charleston
  53. ​Boston Fujianese Chamber of Commerce
  54. Main Line Chinese Culture Center
  55. Chinese Civic Center
  56. Asian Culture And Education Society USA
  57. Greater Los Angels Chinese American Forum
  58. North American Chinese Coalition 
  59. Huntsville Chinese Association
  60. Lubbock Chinese Association of Texas
  61. Jiangxi Association of Southern California USA
  62. Guizhou American Association
  63. Asian Women’s Health Association of Greater New York
  64. United Community Oriented Development Association
  65. USA Washington State Fellow Townsman Association
  66. Western Fukien Benevolent Association
  67. Jiangxi kinship Association, USA
  68. American Anhui Chamber Of Commerce
  69. Chinese American Mutual Association
  70. South Florida Chinese Business association
  71. Zhejiang Association of GA
  73. Sun Yat-Sen University Alumni Atlanta
  74. Tongxin Chinese Academy
  75. Guanyu Art Club
  76. Carolinas Chinese Chamber of Commerce
  77. Carolinas Chinese American Civic Center
  78. Chinese Association of Greater Charleston
  79. Washington Fujian Chamber of Commerce
  80. Chinese Association of Columbia
  81. Greater Miami Asian Business Coalition
  82. USA Guangxinese Association
  83. Guangxi United Associates of America Corporation
  84. Guangxi Fraternal Association of America
  85. Chinese American Guangxi Federal Association
  86. Chimerica Women Association
  87. American Hainan Chamber of Commerce
  88. American Qionghai Chamber of Commerce
  89. Fukien American Association New Jersey
  90. Shanghai Benevolent Association of America
  91. Guangdong Association of America
  92. International Chinese Arts Society of Americas
  93. Jiangmen Wuxi Youth Association of Eastern USA
  94. American Association of Cantonese
  95. Dongbei Association U.S.A
  96. Lum Sai Ho Association
  98. The Greater Seattle Chinese Chamber of Commerce
  100. Fujian Langqi Association USA
  101. Chinese Student Service Center
  102. Chinese American General Chamber of Commerce
  103. Chinese American Business & Trade Association
  104. American Chinese Voters alliance Corp
  105. Greater Philadelphia Lianjiang Association
  106. American Center for Chinese Students
  107. Shenzhen Association of Eastern America
  108. Hip Sing Association of Philadelphia
  109. Philadelphia Chinese Chamber of Commerce
  110. Tai Shan Association INC
  111. America Association OF Cantonese
  112. U.S.A-Shenyang Chamber of Commerce
  114. Greater Blouse Skirt &Underwear Association
  115. Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles
  116. Los Angeles Youth Federation
  117. Greater Philadelphia Chinese Restaurant Association
  118. Beijing Association USA
  119. U.S. Sichuan Chongqing General Association
  120. US Jiangsu General Chamber of Commerce
  122. Sichuan Federation Association of America
  123. international Straits Cultural Exchange Association
  124. Sino-American Pharmaceutical Association
  125. United Chinese Zhiqing Association USA
  126. Beijing Association of Northern California
  127. American Chinese Women’s Federation Association
  128. Chinese Anti-Virus & Anti-Asian Hate Association
  129. American Chinese Experts Association
  130. Midwest USA Chinese Chamber of Commerce
  131. Wisconsin Chinese Chamber of Commerce
  133. Sino American Commerce Association
  134. American Chinese Business Promotion Association
  135. Hunan Benevolent Association of America
  136. Sino American Partnership Association
  137. American Chinese CEO Society
  138. World Peace Federation
  139. Inland Empire Elite Mutual Association
  140. Atlanta Chinese American Alliance
  141. Kwong Tung Association of Atlanta
  142. Atlanta Contemporary Chinese Academy
  143. Longyan Association of America
  144. Chinese American Opportunity Association
  145. Minnesota Chinese World
  146. Hawaii Overseas Friendship Association of Chinese
  147. Minnan General Chamber of Commerce of USA
  148. Xungen Association of Chinese-Americans
  149. American Philippines Buddhist Association
  151. Fumi
  152. Inland Chinese American Alliance
  153. America Lin Ze Xu Foundation
  154. New York Chao-Chiu Association
  155. Washington State Taishan Association
  156. Jiangxi Fellow Association Houston
  157. Association of Sino-American Neocultural Exchange
  158. Henan Chinese Associates USA
  159. Cantonese Society of Southern California
  160. Hoy On Association
  161. American Southwest Chamber of Commerce USA
  162. Civic Education Alliance
  163. North America Hangzhou Association
  164. North American Nanning Association
  165. Washington State Chinese Artist Association
  166. CAC Benevolent Association
  167. Association of Sino-American Seniors
  169. Georgia Hubei Association
  170. Chinese Association
  171. Urban United Association
  172. America East Shandong Association
  173. Chinese American Association of Minnesota
  174. Teo Chew Association of Philadelphia
  175. United Chinese American of Washington
  176. Hawaii-The.P.R of China Chamber of Commerce
  177. Chinese Photographer Association of North America
  178. HENANGA
  179. HELP&HEAL
  180. Fujian Business Association of America
  181. US-China People’s Friendship Association
  182. VA-Peninsula Chinese American Association
  183. World Kwong Tung Community Association of New England USA
  184. Leung Family Association
  185. Chinese Business Association
  186. Bridges Academy
  187. American Guangdong Community Association
  188. American Chinese Economic & Cultural Exchange Association 
  189. United States of America-China Chamber of Commerce    
  190. Chiao-Tung University Alumni Association in America 
  191. Global Horizon Foundation 
  192. Wuhan University Alumni Association of Greater New York
  193. Saint Joseph’s Chinese Club
  194. American Chinese Commerce Development Association
  195. Philadelphia Chinese Chamber of Commerce
  196. New Hyde Park Chinese Association